
THE ART OF... Volumes 10-12

Created by Dave Taylor

The next three volumes in a series of books about wonderful miniatures art - featuring Roman Lappat, Sam Lenz, and Josua Lai!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

5 months ago – Wed, May 22, 2024 at 02:28:27 PM

Since our last update, we've conquered another two stretch goals! Now each backer will receive a FREE PDF tutorial from Josua Lai about how to make a frozen lake base, which will be very cool (pun intended). 

Additionally, you have unlocked the Kickstarter Exclusive slipcase for Volumes 10-12! If you've been collecting these for our previous volumes, NOW is your time to pick these up too! 

These are NOT an Add-on, but are introduced as two new Pledge Levels. In order to secure your copy you'll need to switch from your current level to one of these new levels. 

• $105 - All three Volumes in their Slipcase
• $130 - All three Volumes in their Slipcase + all three PDFs

To do so, go to the top of the page and click on the "Manage your pledge" button. 
On the next page you should click the "Change your pledge" button and then select the new pledge level you would like. 
Finally, click on the "Confirm changes" button.

You will have the rest of the campaign to make this change, or you'll be able to do so when starting your BackerKit pledge manager survey, BUT doing it now means you won't forget to do it later AND it means we get closer to the next stretch goal – The set of Artcards from Roman Lappat!

Thank you all!

Dave (and Roman and Sam and Josua)

A new Stretch Goal and a livestream!
5 months ago – Sun, May 19, 2024 at 07:31:12 AM

Overnight we passed another stretch goal, and now all of the books will contain the lovely 150gsm Multisilk coated paper that feels so good in the hand as you turn their pages! Thank you all for making this upgrade happen!

Now we are on to stretching for Josua's PDF tutorial, where he'll be teaching us his methods for creating wonderful frozen lake bases! This PDF will be provided FREE to all backers who have pledged $30 or more.

And after that will be the much-anticipated slipcase cover for Volumes 10-12. Due to the way that it is produced and the backend systems of Kickstarter/BackerKit/our fulfillment partners, these will be introduced to two new pledge levels. If you want them you'll need to switch your pledge level, but more on that when the time comes!

Also, I am totally psyched because I've just finished a Build Paint Play livestream with Roman and Josua (and my co-host Jake)! We chatted about various aspects of their work, along with finding out more about their approaches to creating miniatures art. 

You can now check out the bonus episode on the Build Paint Play channel HERE.

Thank you all for sharing this campaign with your friends, and creating the opportunities for more people to discover THE ART OF... series!

Dave (and Roman and Sam and Josua)

Another Stretch Goal Achieved.
5 months ago – Sat, May 18, 2024 at 07:19:59 AM

It was lovely to wake up this morning to see that you have all helped us pass another stretch goal, unlocking the set of Sam Lenz artcards as an Add-on. To add this set and/or Josua's set of artcards to your pledge, you can simply increase your pledge total by the appropriate amount and when we open the BackerKit pledge manager after the campaign you'll be able to spend that credit on the artcards of your choice. 

Next up? The second quality upgrade for the books, taking us from the lovely 130gsm Mulitisilk paper to a 150gsm Multisilk coated paper. A subtle but solid upgrade. 

Then, Josua Lai will be providing us with a step-by-step, PDF tutorial on creating a frozen lake base for your miniatures. Reaching that goal unlocks it for ALL backers!


A number of folks have asked the question about the slipcase for these three volumes. I'll be spending today sorting out the graphics for the stretch goal, which is just around the corner. 

"Why didn't you have it from the start, Dave?" Good question. Slipcases are surprisingly expensive to produce. Apart from the diecut card that forms the structure, and the printed paper exterior, everything else is painstakingly hand-assembled. Depending on the quantity ordered, they can sometimes be more expensive to produce than the books slipped inside. 

It is important, from a financial stability standpoint, that we make sure the campaign is on a stable footing before we make them available so that we can avoid any terrible situations where our commitment to create them takes payment away from the authors or something similar. I am hoping that as the awareness and popularity of this series continues to grow (thanks in no small part to the word-of-mouth promotion from supporters like yourselves) we'll be able to get to a point where we can offer them up front, from the start. Until then, we'll keep putting our faith in you fine people, just as you put your faith in us. 

Thank you, all!

Dave (and Roman and Sam and Josua)